cast(ing) surface怎么翻译及发音
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cast(ing) surface 铸件表面
monoblock cast(ing) 整块铸造
to cast 出铁
cast by 放弃, 排除
cast on v.急忙披上(衣服等)
as cast 铸造的
on the surface of 上头
of the surface 外观上的, 外表的
on the surface adv.表面上
cast after cast 逐层向上运土法
ing 构成动名词;动作;职业;配合;材料;动作的结果
ing suf.后缀,构成动词现在分词,名词
ING =Inertial Navigation and Guidance 惯性导航与制导
cast v. [T]1. 投,掷,抛,扔,撒2. 投射(光、影、视线等)(+at/on)3. 脱落;蜕(皮);丢弃4.(动物)早产5. 投(票);抽(签);掷(骰子)6. 选派...
CAST =Center for the Applications of Sciences and Technology 科学技术应用中心([美]Wayne大学)
surface n.1.[C]表面;表层;面2.[C][usually sing.]水面;地面;液面3.[C](家具的)顶面,操作台4.[sing.]表面;外表;外观v.1.[I]升到水面;
antirust(ing) 耐蚀
cowl(ing) 炸弹型车身,整流罩,烟囱帽
descend(ing) 下行
ground(ing) 接地