celadon lotus shaped cap什么意思及同义词
在线翻译网精选celadon lotus shaped cap是什么意思、英语单词推荐
celadon lotus shaped cap 青瓷莲花形盅
Lotus Leaf Shaped Pancake 荷叶饼
celadon zun with upright and pendant lotus flowers 青釉仰复莲花尊
arrow shaped share 箭形铲
bell shaped nozzle 钟形喷嘴
aerodynamically shaped 空气动力型的
cross shaped budding 十字
cup shaped rotor 杯式离心头
heart shaped hoe 心状锄
meniscus shaped lens 弯月形透镜
shaped adj. 具有(或呈)...形状的
shaped 【构词成分】(构成形容词)表示"形状的"(如:pear-shaped梨形的)
boot shaped 靴形
club shaped 棍棒状的
drumstick shaped 鼓槌形的
long shaped 糙籼米
needle shaped 针状的
turnip shaped 芜菁根形的
lip shaped adj. 唇形的
cucumber shaped adj. 胡瓜状的