cell cover的中文意思
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cell cover 电瓶盖
cover cell 盖细胞
cover for v. 代替
cover into 移交, 交付
cover in v.用泥土填(洞等)
cover with v. 覆盖
to cover 掩护
read from cover to cover 从头看[读]到底, 一页不漏地读完
from cover to cover 从封面到封底,从头至尾,完全地,彻底地
break cover v.(猎物)从隐藏处跳(飞)出来
cover v.[T]1. 遮盖;覆盖(+with)2. 覆盖...的表面(+in/with)3. 掩饰;隐匿4. 包含;适用于5.(不用被动态)行过(路程)6. 采访,报导7.(钱
COVER 遮盖;覆盖[(+with)]
cell n.[C]1.小房间(如修道院里的密室或狱中的牢房)2.(蜂房的)巢室3.电池4.细胞5.(尤指革命的)政治活动小组
β cell 乙细胞
γ cell 丙细胞
nut(cover) 螺帽母
compacting(cover)plate 压紧盖板
way cover 导轨罩
cover device 遮蔽物
soft cover adj.[书]纸面的, 平装的