bell the cat
fling oneself into the breach
hang the bell about the cat's neck
put oneself forward
stand in the gap
throw oneself into the breach
by bell and book 凭着钟声和圣经起誓
bell beam 料钟平衡杆
bell button n.叫人铃之按钮
bell cell 钟式电解池,钟形电解池
bell clapper 电铃锤
bell curve 钟形曲线
bell gable 吊钟山墙
bell key 振铃电键
bell metal n.[冶]钟铜,钟青铜
bell mouthed 带托叶鞘的
bell n. 1.钟(声);铃(声);钟状物2.电铃(声)
BELL 钟;铃;门铃
Bell 贝尔(①姓氏 ②Alexander Graham, 1847-1922, 生于苏格兰的美国科学家, 电话发明者)
ave bell n. 祈祷之钟
bell jar 玻璃钟罩
double bell 双碗形
bell bottom 裤管式喇叭状的
bell bottoms n. 喇叭裤
night bell n. 夜间用的门铃
bell bottomed a. 喇叭裤形的(=bell-bottom)