according to one legend
Legend goes that ...
Legend has it that ...
The report goes that
according ad.1.依照a.1.相符的;和谐的;相应的
cc abbr. (= cubic centimeter) 立方厘米abbr. (= Carbon Copy) 副本(email中的抄送)
CC abbr.Carbon Copy, 抄送[域] Cocos Islands , 科科斯群岛
Cc 共路信令
methyloccccus 甲基球菌属
Cccs n. CCCS;
acciaccatura n. <意>[音]短倚音
MDCCCLXXXVIII num.罗马数字 1888
ccc num.罗马数字 300 [军] Combustible Cartridge Cases,可燃药筒
ccco Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors 非战主义者中央委员会