stop a shell
to stop 停
stop at 住宿(旅店)[口]逗留在停在对...有所踌躇
stop to 停下来要做
stop for 留下吃stop for a hair-cut on one's way home.为某事在路上停留
stop with 暂住在...家里[美口]停止做
stop by v. 顺便访问
stop in v.顺便访问
stop on 继续停留
stop at nothing 毫无顾忌,不择手段;什么事都干得出来,无所不用其极
Stop Bit 停止位
stop v.[I,T]1.(使)停止;停下2.(使)中断;停止3.(使)结束;终止4.(使)停止工作;停止运转v.[T]1. 阻止;阻碍;阻拦;防止2. 止付;停付;扣除3.
non stop adj. 不停止的
stop gear 停止装置
stop and go adj.定期而不断被迫停止的
stop over 中途停顿的
pit stop like 像F1换轮胎般快速的停靠the pit-stop-like experience of eating a meal at the world's biggest fast-food chai
stop motion 止动机构1. a technique used in animation and photography in which a subject is filmed then adjusted a
double stop a. 同时奏出二种乐音的
stop bits 停止位
whistle stop n. 小镇