Beggars must not be choosers什么意思及同义词
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beggars must not be choosers 饥不择食
beggars must not be choosers. st.饥不择食
Beggars must not be choosers 饥不择食
Beggars must not be choosers. st. 饥不择食
beggars can not be choosers pr.饥不择食
Beggars can not be choosers pr.饥不择食
must be 一定
must not 不得;不能;不许
let beggars match with beggars 龙配龙, 凤配凤
Let beggars match with beggars 龙配龙,凤配凤,乞丐配乞丐
must n. 1.必须2.未发酵葡萄汁3.绝对必要的事物v.aux.必须n. 必修课程
must've =must have
must 【构词成分】(结合动词构成形容词或名词)表示"必须,一定,务必"(如:must-have必得之物,必定有的;a must-see movie一部非看不可的电影)
must see 一定要看的,非看不可的
must have n. 必备单品