balance the profit and loss什么意思及同义词
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balance the profit and loss 平衡损益
balance form of profit and loss statement 【经】 帐户式损益表
reducing balance form of profit and loss statement 【经】 余额递减式损益表
balance of profit 利润结余
profit and loss n.盈亏帐目
loss of profit 【法】 利润损失
flexible loss and profit 变动损益
loss of profit insurance 营业中断收益损失保险
total profit and loss 【经】 总损益
trading and profit and loss statement 【经】 损益表
profit n. 1.利润,盈利;收益,红利[C,U]2.利益,益处;得益[U]v. [T]1.有益于v. [I]1.有益,有利2.得益,获益(+by/from)
balance n.1.[C]天平;秤2.[U]平衡,平稳;心境的平稳,心智健全3.[U][balance (in sth/between A and B)]均衡状态,均势;谐调,匀称4.[C](通
Balance 天秤星座
loss n. 1.丧失;遗失2.损耗,亏损3.(某人离开或珍贵物品被取走造成的)损失;因离去而造成损失者4.去世;逝世 5.损失;丢失6.损失物7.损失量;损失额;亏损额8.
LOSS =Landing Observer's Signal System 着陆观察员信号系统
not for profit a. 非营利的;无利的
for profit 以盈利为目的的
profit hungry a. 贪求利润的
non profit adj.非营利的
profit mongering 见利忘义的人