
representative value

[ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv ˈvæljuː]

[数] 代表值

representative value网络翻译

[数] 代表值

... customer service representative 客户服务代表,顾客服... representative value 代表值 representative of 表示;代表……的...


... 压力荷载 pressure load 典型值代表值 representative value 紧急电力荷载 emergency power load ...

[数] 典型值

典型值representative value 测试仪器measuring and test instruments ..

representative value常用短语

1. concrete strength representative value:混凝土强度标志值

2. representative value of an phottom:作用代表值

3. representative value of gravity load:重力荷载代表值

4. representative value of temperature difference:温差代表值

5. representative calorific value:有代表性的发热量

representative value双语例句

However, the method used in China is given representative value for each zone, this approach can not reflect the large number of seismic hazard analysis results, .


A new method of estimating concrete strength representative value by means of a confidence lower limit is presented in this paper, and one-side tolerance factor expression is given.


For another example that shows value to an individual consider a Web-savvy employee (sales representative) who is relocating for business purposes and is shopping for residential property.



  • ventriloquistn. 腹语术者;口技艺人
  • vacancyn. 空缺,空职;(旅馆等的)空房,空间;无知,空虚;空隙,空处
  • ruggern. 英式橄榄球
  • ringsn. 吊环(ring 的复数) n. (Rings)人名;(德)林斯
  • ridingn. 骑马(运动);英格兰约克郡原三个行政区之一(Riding);(加拿大的)选区;(尤指林间的)马道 adj. 骑乘(用)的,骑术(用)的;<美>乘骑操作的 v. 骑(马、摩托车、自行车等);搭乘(公共汽车、火车或电梯等);乘坐(游乐园里的娱乐设施)(ride 的现在分词) 【名】 (Riding)(美、英、加)赖丁(人名)
  • retrainingn. 再训练 v. 再训练,再接受培训;教授新技术(retrain 的现在分词形式)
  • reorientationn. 再定位
  • remunerationn. 酬金,薪水,报酬;赔偿,补偿
  • rehabilitationn. 康复,复原;(权利、名誉的)恢复;修复,翻新
  • redundancyn. <英> (因劳动力过剩而造成的)裁员,解雇;多余,累赘;复置装置,冗余(机器、系统等某部件发生故障后的替代装置)
  • rectorn. 校长;院长;教区牧师 n. (Rector)人名;(英)雷克托
  • recordsn. 记录,录音;唱片,档案(record 的复数) v. 记录,记载(record 的第三人称单数)
  • racingn. 赛马;竞赛 vi. 赛马(race 的 ing 形式);竞赛 adj. 比赛的
  • vigorn. [生物]活力,精力 n. (Vigor)人名;(英、法)维戈尔
  • regeneratevt. 使再生;革新 vi. 再生;革新 adj. 再生的;革新的

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