adj. 现场的;当场的
... on-spotrecord现场记录 on-spot现场的 on-streaminspection不停车检查 ...
1. on-spot record:现场记录
2. on-spot check:现场检查
3. on the spot:当场 ; 在现场 ; 马上
4. bargain on spot:[贸易] 即付交易 ; 当场交易 ; 即时交易
5. Records on Spot:理货现场记录
6. Options on Spot Exchange:现汇期权交易 ; 现汇期权 ; 即期外汇期权
Warning that the powerful poisons can endanger dogs and cats, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will require new instructions and labeling for on-spot flea products.
Still, the track coach had offered me a walk-on spot, and I actually found the urban Atlanta campus a decent consolation prize after New York City.
Cameras fixed on Spot will scan the surroundings and help officers work out the number of visitors in the park, but they cannot read faces and won't collect any personal information.
固定在 Spot 机器人上的摄像头会对周围环境进行扫描,协助警察计算公园内的游客数量,不过这些摄像头无法识别人脸,也不会收集任何个人信息。