nominal capacity
nominal capacity网络翻译
标称容量(nominal capacity)是指在设计和制造电池时,规定电池在0.2C放电时对放电电量。
额定容量2.3额定容量(Nominal Capacity): 一般电池的蓄电量,会以mAH-毫安小时或AH-安培小时来表示,二次电池当电池充饱电后,按指定的电流放电至截止电压时,所能取出之...
额定功率... 扼吝圈:choke 额定功率;额定容量:nominal capacity 惰性岩粉:inert dust ...
滑块公称压力... 技术参数Specifications 滑块公称压力Nominal Capacity 公称力行程Nominal Stroke ...
nominal capacity常用短语
1. axle nominal capacity:轴荷重
2. nominal water capacity:[水利] 公称容积
3. clinker nominal capacity:熟料额定生产力
4. nominal capacity of tank:油罐公称容量
5. nominal capacity of holding weight:公称载重量
6. nominal load capacity:[建] 额定载重量
nominal capacity双语例句
This paper describes a set of twin-tripler self-saturated Reactor static var compensator (nominal capacity is 4050kVA) and its application in solving the problems of rolling mill loads.
Each plant section shall be designed with the capability to produce at least 10% more than its guaranteed nominal capacity in order to offset fluctuation or interruption in the operation.
Rapid growth in nominal GDP means that asset prices do not need to fall so far to regain fair value, bad loans are easier to work off and excess capacity can be more quickly absorbed by rising demand.
- newsstandn. 报摊;杂志摊
- newscastern. 新闻播音员;新闻播报员;新闻广播员
- newsagentn. 报刊经销商
- nauticaladj. 航海的,海上的;船员的
- cribn. <美>(有围栏的)婴儿床;饲料槽,秣槽;<英>圣诞马槽(表现耶稣诞生的情景);<英,非正式>(学生用于作弊的)夹带;<非正式>(尤指学生偷偷摸摸地用的课文的)对照译文;抄袭(或剽窃)来的东西;<美,非正式>住处,小窝;克里比奇纸牌戏(cribbage 的简称);(克里比奇牌戏中的)配点牌张;(建筑物的)木笼,(矿井的)井框(=cribwork);<澳新>简单饭菜,快餐 v. <非正式>抄袭,剽窃;<古>束缚,限制;<英,旧>抱怨,发牢骚
- craftsmann. 工匠,手艺人;技艺能人(尤指男性);(英国)皇家电气和机械工程兵部队技工
- craftsn. 工艺,手艺;工艺品;(需要熟练技艺的)行业,职业;技巧,技能;骗术,手腕;船,飞机;行会会员(craft的复数) v. 精心制作(craft的第三人称单数) n. (Crafts)(美、英)克拉夫茨(人名)
- copywritern. 广告文字撰稿人
- convertibilityn. 可变换,可兑换;可改变性
- contortionistn. 柔术演员;作柔体表演者
- contingenciesn. 临时费;不可预见费;意外事件(contingency 的复数)
- conjurorn. 魔术师;变戏法的人
- conjurern. 魔术师;巫师
- confettin. (婚礼、狂欢节中抛撒的)五彩纸屑;(旧时狂欢节或庆祝场合抛撒的)糖果 n. (Confetti)人名;(意)孔费蒂
- collaboratorn. [劳经] 合作者;勾结者;通敌者