
damped vibration

[dæmpt vaɪˈbreɪʃn]

[物] 阻尼振动;[物] 衰减振动

damped vibration网络翻译

[物] 阻尼振动

6.1 阻尼振动 阻尼振动(damped vibration): 阻尼振动 振动系统在回复力和阻尼力 共同作用下发生的减幅振动.

[物] 衰减振动

... damped sinusoid阻尼正弦曲线; 减幅正弦波 damped vibration衰减振动, 阻尼振动 damped frequency阻尼频率 ...


... 阻尼折环 damping edge 阻尼振荡 damped vibration 阻尼材料 damping material ...


...ord ; spinal cord contusion ; spinal cord concussion ; spinalconcussion 阻尼震荡 damped oscillations ; damped vibration 迷路震荡 concussoflabyrinth ; concussion of the labyrinth ; labyrinthine concussion ; concussion the labyrinth ..

damped vibration常用短语

1. weakly damped vibration:弱阻尼振动

2. damped vibration system:阻尼线性振动

3. damped vibration absorber:阻尼吸振器

4. damped vibration equation:有阻尼振动方程

5. forced damped vibration detail:强迫阻尼振动

6. damped vibration of small amplitude:小幅度阻尼振动

damped vibration双语例句

Using software MATLAB, the solution of damped vibration of A2B model is solved; the damped oscillation pattern is discussed.

借助数学软件MATLAB,求出了A 2 B模型阻尼振动的解析解,并讨论其算例的振动图像。

Linear equation with one unknown, parabolic equation and nonlinear damped vibration equation well fit to describe the dynamics of Lou soil buffering rate or value.


The result indicates that the enzyme reaction velocity tends towards steady state with the form of index attenuation or small damped vibration when reaction time is longer.



  • ventriloquistn. 腹语术者;口技艺人
  • vacancyn. 空缺,空职;(旅馆等的)空房,空间;无知,空虚;空隙,空处
  • druggistn. 药剂师;药商;(美)药房老板(兼营化妆品、文具、牙膏、漱口剂、香烟等杂货的)
  • dressmakern. 裁缝
  • doldrumsn. 忧郁;赤道无风带
  • dodgemsn. 碰碰车(dodgem 的复数)
  • dismissaln. 开除,解雇;不予考虑,摒弃;驳回,不予受理;打发走,遣散;出局
  • discothequen. 迪斯科舞厅
  • diplomacyn. 外交,外交技巧;(处理人际关系的)手腕,策略
  • developingadj. (国家)发展中的;正在生长的,正在发展的 v. (使)成长,发展;研制,研发;形成(观点)(develop 的现在分词)
  • vigorn. [生物]活力,精力 n. (Vigor)人名;(英、法)维戈尔
  • diplomatn. 外交官,外交家;有手腕的人,善交际的人
  • vouchern. 代金券,票券;收据,凭单;证人,保证人,证明者 v. 证实……的可靠性
  • vouchvt. 担保;证明;传出庭作证 vi. 保证;证明;确定
  • volatilityn. 易变,活泼;挥发性

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