close-up lens
特写镜头,[摄] 近摄镜头
close-up lens网络翻译
... close-type evaporator 闭式蒸发器 close-up lens 近拍镜头 closed agitator 密闭搅拌器 ...
[摄] 近摄镜头近摄镜头 ( close-up lens )是加装在固定镜头上作近距离拍摄用的镜头。
特写镜头...被看作是审视政策的广角镜头(wide-angle lens),进入视野的是整个 社会,麦克唐纳和爱尔莫的分类类似于特写镜头(close-up lens), 使人们能够审视具体政策作用类型的详细画面。
近距镜头... close-up (1)特写(2)精密观察 close-up lens 特写镜头,近距镜头 closed loop servo-control system 闭环伺服控制系统 ...
close-up lens常用短语
1. lens for close-up:拍特写的镜头
close-up lens双语例句
Can inhibit the face out of oil, and preventing the phenomenon of floating makeup or Tuozhuang to shoot close-up lens can be too obvious laugh lines to avoid the phenomenon of powder marks!
The downside to this display screen is that it's to the left of the camera's lens, so if you're taking a close-up shot of someone, they will appear in the photo like they're glancing away slightly.
A good hand lens or loupe of 6x-10x therefore becomes a necessity for inspecting new arrivals and your collection up close and personal.
手持式放大镜或6 - 10倍的放大镜是必须的,这样你才能更好地一一检查新入门的和旧有的植株。
- lockoutn. 闭厂,停工
- linguisticsn. 语言学
- linguistn. 精通外国语言的人;语言学家
- leotardn. 紧身连衣裤(杂技和舞蹈演员等穿的)
- laborern. 劳动者;工人
- lump-sum price[物价] 混合价格;总括价格;整笔计价格
- lpabbr. 线性规划(Linear Programming);自由党(Liberal Party);劳动党(Labor Party);有限合伙契约(Limited Partnership)
- loss minimization损失最小化,最小损耗
- long-lived asset长期资产
- liquidityn. 资产流动性,资产变现能力;流动资产,现金;液体,液态;(市场)活跃;偿债能力
- liquidatorn. 清算人;公司资产清理人
- liquidationn. 清算;偿还;液化;清除
- lienn. [经]留置权;抵押品所产生的利息 n. (Lien)人名;(法)利安;(英、意、挪、瑞典)利恩;(老)连
- leveragen. 影响力,手段;杠杆力,杠杆作用;<美>杠杆比率 v. <英>举债经营;充分利用(资源、观点等)
- lendern. 贷方;[金融]出借人 n. (Lender)人名;(德、匈、瑞典)伦德;(法)朗德