bring in focus
bring in focus网络翻译
... 焦耳计 Joulemeter 焦聚 bring in focus 焦聚分光 focal isolation ...
bring in focus双语例句
Pay-What-You-Can training events focus on keeping costs low by taking place in free or low cost venues and asking participants to bring their own supplies and laptops.
Today, rather than looking back once again on the events of eight years ago, let us focus on how we can bring peace into our own lives and work from there for peace in the world.
In my view, team size along with communication issues they bring are directly proportional to product size, so I focus on team size as the leading indicator.
- investorn. 投资者,投资机构
- inkwelln. 墨水池
- illustratorn. 插图画家;说明者;图解者
- illusionistn. 魔术师;爱幻想的人;幻觉论者;幻觉派的艺术家
- futurologistn. 未来学家
- funambulistn. 走绳索的杂技演员
- freelanceadj. 特约的,自由职业(者)的 adv. 以自由职业者身份 n. 自由职业者;<史>中世纪的雇佣兵 v. 做特约工作,从事自由职业
- formann. 工头 n. (Forman)人名;(英、捷、法、匈)福曼
- foremann. 领班;陪审团主席 n. (Foreman)人名;(英、西)福尔曼
- flyern. 传单;飞鸟;飞行物;飞跳;孤注一掷 n. (Flyer)人名;(英)弗莱尔
- floristn. 花商,种花人;花店
- fliern. 飞行员;快车;飞行物;(美)广告传单 n. (Flier)人名;(德)弗利尔;(英)弗莱尔
- fiscalityn. 财政政策;财政考虑
- fireworksn. 烟火(firework 的复数形式);激烈争论
- fakirn. (伊斯兰教或印度教的)托钵僧,苦行者(伊斯兰教或印度教的)托钵僧,苦行者;骗子 n. (Fakir)人名;(阿拉伯、土)法基尔