agent extraction
agent extraction网络翻译
高能物理专业英语翻译A-28-SCIdict学术词... ... 还原剂 agent, electronating 萃取剂 agent, extraction 凝固剂 agent, flocculating ...
agent extraction常用短语
1. reverse extraction agent:反萃取剂
2. assisting extraction agent:助萃剂
3. extractant extraction agent:萃取剂
4. industrial extraction agent:工业萃取剂
5. hcl as extraction agent:盐酸萃取
6. extraction n agent:萃取剂
agent extraction双语例句
Lauric acid monoglyceride are present in some natural plant compounds, after extraction often as fungicides and anti-inflammatory agent is added to food, daily necessities, or in cosmetics.
FCC raw material oil-decompressed wax oil is used as extraction agent to pretreat FCC phenol-bearing wastewater.
Taking industry benzene as extraction agent, rogor is recovered from rogor synthesis waste water by multipolar counterflow extraction.
- examinern. 考官,主考人;审查人,检查人
- equitationn. 骑马;骑术
- equestriann. 马术;骑手;骑马者 adj. 马的;骑马的;骑术的
- entertainmentsn. 休闲娱乐;娱乐设施(entertainment 的复数)
- emigrationn. 移居外国,迁移出境;移民
- economistn. 经济学家
- ecclesiasticaladj. 教会的;牧师的;神职的
- autarchyn. 专制,独裁;专制国家
- atlasn. 地图册;第一颈椎,寰椎;(希腊式建筑中支撑柱楣的)男像柱(复数atlantes)
- astropologist人类学家
- assignedadj. 指定的;已分配的 v. 分配(assign 的过去分词);指定;委派
- artisann. 工匠,技工
- arithn. 数学;算术 adj. 算术的
- arenan. 竞技场,圆形剧场;斗争场所,活动舞台 【名】 (Arena)(英)阿里纳,(意、西、葡、德)阿雷纳(人名)
- apprenticeshipn. 学徒期;学徒身份