Reading First
Reading First is a federal education program in the United States mandated under the No Child Left Behind Act and administered by the federal Department of Education. The program requires that schools funded by Reading First use "scientifically based" reading instruction.
Reading First网络翻译
...月8日布什签署了“不让一个孩子落后”(No Child Left Behind Act of 2001)的中小学教育法案,将“阅读优先”(Reading First)作为政策主轴,希望在5年内,让美国所有学童在小学三年级以前具备基本阅读能力,并且为此拨出了50亿美元特别补助阅读环境较差的弱...
阅读优先计画将「阅读优先计画(Reading First)作为政策 ..
阅读优先政策...出“美国阅读挑战”、“卓越阅读方案”等措施;2001年提出中小学教育法案“不让一个孩子掉队”,“阅读优先政策(Reading First)”成为法案中心内容。
Reading First常用短语
1. the first reading:第一读
2. During the first reading on:就读期间
3. First reading every day:首先要坚持每天读书
4. first pass reading time:第一遍阅读时间
5. Start reading from the first:从第一段开始读
6. adopted on first reading:一读通过
Reading First双语例句
Plenty of time for online shopping and reading first. On the eve of the deadline, she hadn’t worked out a single word.
Plenty of time for online shopping and reading first. On the eve of the deadline, she hadn't worked out a single word.
A federal program in the United States called Reading First has received one billion dollars a year for the past several years.
- ruggern. 英式橄榄球
- ringsn. 吊环(ring 的复数) n. (Rings)人名;(德)林斯
- ridingn. 骑马(运动);英格兰约克郡原三个行政区之一(Riding);(加拿大的)选区;(尤指林间的)马道 adj. 骑乘(用)的,骑术(用)的;<美>乘骑操作的 v. 骑(马、摩托车、自行车等);搭乘(公共汽车、火车或电梯等);乘坐(游乐园里的娱乐设施)(ride 的现在分词) 【名】 (Riding)(美、英、加)赖丁(人名)
- retrainingn. 再训练 v. 再训练,再接受培训;教授新技术(retrain 的现在分词形式)
- reorientationn. 再定位
- remunerationn. 酬金,薪水,报酬;赔偿,补偿
- rehabilitationn. 康复,复原;(权利、名誉的)恢复;修复,翻新
- redundancyn. <英> (因劳动力过剩而造成的)裁员,解雇;多余,累赘;复置装置,冗余(机器、系统等某部件发生故障后的替代装置)
- rectorn. 校长;院长;教区牧师 n. (Rector)人名;(英)雷克托
- recordsn. 记录,录音;唱片,档案(record 的复数) v. 记录,记载(record 的第三人称单数)
- racingn. 赛马;竞赛 vi. 赛马(race 的 ing 形式);竞赛 adj. 比赛的
- futurologistn. 未来学家
- funambulistn. 走绳索的杂技演员
- freelanceadj. 特约的,自由职业(者)的 adv. 以自由职业者身份 n. 自由职业者;<史>中世纪的雇佣兵 v. 做特约工作,从事自由职业
- formann. 工头 n. (Forman)人名;(英、捷、法、匈)福曼