One Tower Bridge
One Tower Bridge网络翻译
...塔桥一号(One Tower Bridge )位于伦敦最后一批河岸住宅地区。距离市中心仅数分钟,与联合国教科文组织世界遗)产、英国著名景点塔桥之畔景观Tower Of London(...
伦敦塔桥一号由英国知名开发商伯克利集团(Berkeley Group)打造的伦敦塔桥一号(One Tower Bridge),紧邻伦敦桥畔,与另一世界级景观伦敦塔,隔泰晤士河遥遥相对,紧邻伦敦新地标——欧洲最高建筑The Shard。
One Tower Bridge双语例句
Tower Bridge is one of the famous land marks in London and one of the most beautiful in the world.
The Tower Bridge was set up over the River Thames in London in 1894 and is one of the finest and most famous bridges in the world.
In fact, the Tower of London was built a thousand years ago, while the Tower Bridge only has a history of over one hundred years.
- tutun. (法)芭蕾舞短裙;新西兰马桑 n. (Tutu)人名;(罗、南非)图图
- tumblern. 不倒翁(玩具);杂技演员;翻筋斗者;一杯的容量;滚筒;平底玻璃杯
- trimestern. 三个月;一学期
- trigonometryn. 三角学
- trapezen. 秋千;吊架
- transportingv. 运输;使产生身临其境的感觉;流放(transport 的现在分词)
- trampolinen. 蹦床(一种体育器械),弹簧垫 v. 在蹦床上弹跳
- tracern. [核]示踪物;追踪者;描图者;(铁笔等)绘图工具 n. (Tracer)人名;(英)特雷瑟
- tombolan. (英)一种彩券 n. (Tombola)人名;(意)通博拉
- to pass an examination
- tights紧身裤袜
- tiern. (高度各不相同的)一层,一排;(机构或系统的)层次,等级;(衣服的)一层褶裥(或荷叶边) v. 层叠,层层排列;成递升排列 【名】 (Tier)(英)蒂尔(人名)
- telecommunicationsn. 电信,电讯
- teachersn. 教师(teacher 的复数形式)
- taxationn. 征税,税制;税款