Major equipment design
Major equipment design网络翻译
... sovereignty of the King, the powers of the Council was finally established 主要设计制作的设备 » Major equipment design 西湖十景之一 » One of West Lake ..
Major equipment design双语例句
The funds will be used to purchase long-lead time materials and major equipment, such as the main reduction gears, in support of the new ship and to perform initial design and planning.
His article summarized the concept of Internet Data Center and system design, mainly including business planning, network design, technical requirements of major equipment and so on.
Design considerations for the thermodynamic system, plant layout, steam turbine proper, the oil system for governing and safety control, butterfly valves and some major auxiliary equipment are given.
- mythologyn. 神话,神话故事;错误的信念,谬误;神话学
- municipalityn. 市政当局;自治市
- mountebankn. 江湖郎中,骗子 vi. 行骗;走江湖卖假药
- milkmann. 牛奶商;送奶工人;挤奶员工 n. (Milkman)人名;(英)米尔克曼
- midgetn. 侏儒;(非正式)矮子,小东西;(修饰语)少年(业余运动)的 adj. 极小的,小型的 n. (Midget)(美、加、澳)密德杰特(人名)
- metropolisn. (国或地区的)首都,首府;大都会,大城市;教会省份的首领;殖民地的起源城市或国家 【名】 (Metropolis)(英)梅特罗波利斯(人名)
- meteorologyn. 气象状态,气象学
- merry go round旋转木马
- maturityn. (思想行为、作品等)成熟;发育成熟,长大成人;到期;(债券等)偿还期;(保险单、证券等)有固定到期日的票据
- matriculationn. 入学考试;大学入学许可;录取入学
- mathematiciann. 数学家 善作数字计算的人
- marketingn. 促销,营销 v. 推销,促销;出售;做买卖(market 的现在分词形式)
- manifestationn. 表现,显现;表现形式;(鬼魂或神灵)出现,显灵;示威运动
- mailmann. 邮差,邮递员
- examinern. 考官,主考人;审查人,检查人