Keep Good People
Keep Good People网络翻译
北卡罗里纳赫曼(Herman)集团的总经理,54岁的罗格·赫曼曾著书《留住人才》(Keep Good People)。他论道,你对高级人员离开所作的反应将筑成你跟他们永远的关系。
Keep Good People双语例句
If you want to keep good people, their work needs to provide them with meaning-a sense they are doing something important, that they are fulfilling their destiny.
Try to keep in mind that almost everyone respects and wants to help you if you are trying to make a good change in your life, especially your dearest and nearest people.
People not only keep fit or keep a good shape through doing more physical exercises, but also through making friends who have the similar interests.
- purchasingn. 购买,采购 adj. 购买的,采购的 v. <正式>购买,采购;<古>(努力或艰难地)获得,得到;(航海)(用滑轮或杠杆)升起,举起(绳,索,锚)(purchase 的现在分词)
- purchasern. 买方;购买者
- publishingn. 出版;出版业 adj. 出版的;出版业的 v. 出版;发行(publish 的现在分词形式);发表
- publishern. 出版者,出版商;发行人
- psycology
- protractorn. 伸肌;分度器;伤处异物摘出器
- protectionismn. 保护主义,贸易保护主义;贸易保护制度
- proletariatn. 无产阶级,工人阶级;最下层阶级
- proletariann. 无产阶级分子;无产者 adj. 无产阶级的;无产者的
- programmern. (计)程序设计员;编程器
- producingv. (用部件或原材料)生产;出产;生育;创作;引起;出示;制作(电影、戏剧等);监制(音乐磁带);(使)线段延长(produce 的现在分词)
- prizegivingn. 分配奖品
- private sector私营单位
- printingn. 印刷(术);(书的)一次印刷;印刷字体 v. 打印,印刷;(在报纸、杂志上)刊印,刊登;洗印,冲洗(照片)(print 的现在分词形式)
- playwrightn. 剧作家