History of Western Civilization
Western civilization traces its roots back to European and Mediterranean classical antiquity. It is associated with nations linked to the former Western Roman Empire and with Medieval Western Christendom who emerged from feudalism to experience such transformative historical episodes as the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution and the development of liberal democracy.
History of Western Civilization网络翻译
真正要命的是自己选修的两门非专业课,心理学(Principles of Psychology)和西方文明史(History of Western Civilization)。
History of Western Civilization双语例句
The history of western civilization aside, humans are naturally polygamous.
Professor Smith is going to give us a lecture on the history of Western civilization.
That same structure, for most of the history of Western civilization, also provided the universe with an aesthetic order.
- workforcen. (国家或地区的)劳动力,劳动人口;(某组织或公司的)全体员工,全体从业人员
- walkern. 步行者;散步者;参加竞走者 n. (Walker)人名;(德、西、芬、瑞典)瓦尔克;(英)沃克
- overheadsn. 企业的日常管理费用;杂项开支;一般费用(overhead 的复数)
- outgoingsn. [会计]支出;开支(outgoing 的复数形式)
- holidaysadv. 每逢假日,在假日 v. 度假(holiday 的单三形式) n. 假日(holiday 的复数形式)
- headmistressn. 女校长
- handicraftsn. 手工艺(handicraft 的复数);手工艺品
- cribn. <美>(有围栏的)婴儿床;饲料槽,秣槽;<英>圣诞马槽(表现耶稣诞生的情景);<英,非正式>(学生用于作弊的)夹带;<非正式>(尤指学生偷偷摸摸地用的课文的)对照译文;抄袭(或剽窃)来的东西;<美,非正式>住处,小窝;克里比奇纸牌戏(cribbage 的简称);(克里比奇牌戏中的)配点牌张;(建筑物的)木笼,(矿井的)井框(=cribwork);<澳新>简单饭菜,快餐 v. <非正式>抄袭,剽窃;<古>束缚,限制;<英,旧>抱怨,发牢骚
- craftsmann. 工匠,手艺人;技艺能人(尤指男性);(英国)皇家电气和机械工程兵部队技工
- craftsn. 工艺,手艺;工艺品;(需要熟练技艺的)行业,职业;技巧,技能;骗术,手腕;船,飞机;行会会员(craft的复数) v. 精心制作(craft的第三人称单数) n. (Crafts)(美、英)克拉夫茨(人名)
- copywritern. 广告文字撰稿人
- convertibilityn. 可变换,可兑换;可改变性
- contortionistn. 柔术演员;作柔体表演者
- contingenciesn. 临时费;不可预见费;意外事件(contingency 的复数)
- conjurorn. 魔术师;变戏法的人