Free variables and bound variables
In mathematics, and in other disciplines involving formal languages, including mathematical logic and computer science, a free variable is a notation that specifies places in an expression where substitution may take place. The idea is related to a placeholder (a symbol that will later be replaced by some literal string), or a wildcard character that stands for an unspecified symbol.
Free variables and bound variables网络翻译
[数] unrestricted variable ; unbound variable,unbound variable 自由变量和约束变量 Free variables and bound variables ; Bound variable clash ; Placeholder ; Upvalue 约束决策变量 bound decision variable ..
- ventriloquistn. 腹语术者;口技艺人
- vacancyn. 空缺,空职;(旅馆等的)空房,空间;无知,空虚;空隙,空处
- futurologistn. 未来学家
- funambulistn. 走绳索的杂技演员
- freelanceadj. 特约的,自由职业(者)的 adv. 以自由职业者身份 n. 自由职业者;<史>中世纪的雇佣兵 v. 做特约工作,从事自由职业
- formann. 工头 n. (Forman)人名;(英、捷、法、匈)福曼
- foremann. 领班;陪审团主席 n. (Foreman)人名;(英、西)福尔曼
- flyern. 传单;飞鸟;飞行物;飞跳;孤注一掷 n. (Flyer)人名;(英)弗莱尔
- floristn. 花商,种花人;花店
- fliern. 飞行员;快车;飞行物;(美)广告传单 n. (Flier)人名;(德)弗利尔;(英)弗莱尔
- fiscalityn. 财政政策;财政考虑
- fireworksn. 烟火(firework 的复数形式);激烈争论
- fakirn. (伊斯兰教或印度教的)托钵僧,苦行者(伊斯兰教或印度教的)托钵僧,苦行者;骗子 n. (Fakir)人名;(阿拉伯、土)法基尔
- fairgroundn. 露天市场;举行赛会的场所;游乐场
- botanistn. 植物学家